Yesterday Bonnie and I had the privilege of attending the first service that ALCC held in their new facility in New Brunswick, NJ. It has been a two-year process from the time of purchasing the property and being able to renovate space, allowing ALCC to meet there.

There have been a number of major hurdles that needed to be overcome prior to this milestone. They needed to secure a number of tenets for other parts of the building to make their usage viable and cash flow positive. Once that took place, they were then able to focus on securing financing to begin the development of space for themselves. This came into fulfillment yesterday with a wonderful celebration of the ALCC family, friends, and other key individuals who were vital to the success of the project.

Scott, Priscilla, and family at Abundant Life, congratulations on a job well done. We celebrate with you. May the Lord Jesus Christ give you the grace and favor that you need to expand the Kingdom of God in East Brunswick and beyond. We also celebrate with those who made a commitment to Jesus Christ as Lord of their lives at the celebration. What a great way to dedicate a new facility. May there be many more brought into the Kingdom because of your obedience to the Lord.