I wanted to post a small report on the East Coast Youth retreat that we had this last weekend.

For the first time in many years, we had really nice weather for the retreat so that everyone could arrive on time. This was a huge blessing because we felt that Friday night would be an important night as we kicked off the weekend.

Friday we spent a lot of time in worship and laying things down that were effecting our relationship with Christ. We did this by nailing 3×5 cards that had those things that needed to be laid down, to a cross that was taken along up. Needless to say, we really jumped in to the weekend with both feet and I was a little concerned that we might be going too fast. But our youth in the DOVE family are awesome and they jumped right in. Saturday was also a great day of teaching, worship, and building relationships. That evening we had a great time with the Lord as we allowed Him to do a new work in our hearts. We saw about 5 young people give their hearts to the Lord, 15 baptized in the Holy Spirit for the first time, 30 received their prayer language and many more received a life changing touch from the Lord. I believe that this is a great indicator for the things to come. It was great to be able to be a part of what happened this week and I look forward with great anticipation for the things to come.

Thank you to all you leaders who helped out this week. We at the DOVE USA youth team couldn’t do it without you.

Be Blessed
