authentic church planting

Church planting is an exciting journey that requires passion, conviction, and faith. As a church planter, you are called to lead the flock, spread the gospel, and help people connect with God. However, in the midst of all the responsibilities and challenges, it’s easy to lose track of who you are and what should be your focus. What you will discover is the importance of authenticity in church planting. There is power in being your authentic self. 

You need to grasp the importance of knowing who you are as a church planter and staying true to yourself. By keeping your relationship with God as your top priority, avoiding the pressure to pretend or conform, and seeking support and guidance, you can thrive as a leader and make a lasting impact in your community.


Your relationship with God comes first:


As a church planter, your spiritual life is the foundation of your calling and ministry. However, it’s not uncommon to get so busy with meetings, events, and administrative tasks that your personal relationship with God suffers. Whether it’s through prayer, Bible study, worship, or retreat, prioritize your time with God and make it a non-negotiable part of your daily routine. Only by staying connected to your source of strength, wisdom, and guidance can you lead with authenticity and vision.


Never pretend to be someone you’re not:


It’s easy to feel pressured to adopt a certain image or persona that is expected of a church planter, especially if you’re trying to attract a particular demographic or meet specific goals. However, pretending to be someone you are not only undermines your credibility and integrity, but also creates a sense of confusion. Instead of trying to fit in or impress others, be confident in your unique personality, gifts, and style. People will be drawn to your passion and authenticity, even if it’s not what they expected.


Don’t compromise on your values and vision:


As a church planter, you’re likely to face various challenges and decisions that test your commitment to your core values and mission. Whether it’s regarding funding, partnerships, or outreach strategies, always ask yourself whether a particular option aligns with your values and vision. If not, don’t compromise or rationalize it just because it seems more practical or popular. Your integrity and authenticity are more valuable than any short-term gain or approval.


Seek support and guidance from trusted sources:


Church planting can feel like a lonely journey, and you may feel like you have to figure everything out on your own. However, it’s essential to surround yourself with a network of support and guidance that can give you accountability, encouragement, and wisdom. Whether it’s through a mentor, a coach, or a peer group, seek out people and resources that can help you stay true to yourself and navigate the challenges of church planting.


Continuously reflect and grow in self-awareness:


Finally, staying true to yourself as a church planter requires a continuous process of self-awareness and growth. Reflect on your motivations, fears, blind spots, and strengths regularly, and seek feedback from others who know you well. Use tools like personality assessments, emotional intelligence, or spiritual gifts inventories to deepen your understanding of yourself and your calling. The more you know yourself, the more you can lead with confidence, humility, and authenticity.


Remember that your identity and integrity as a church planter are vital elements of your effectiveness and impact. You were not called by accident. You were not called to be a pretender or put on a show. Your personality, your talents, and even your hobbies are not by accident. Step back and see how God has uniquely wired you to reach the people in the community in which you are planting His church. 

Keep your relationship with God as your top priority, avoid the pressure to pretend or conform, and seek support and guidance, and you can thrive as a leader and make a lasting impact.