January 16 – 18, 2026
held at Refreshing Mountain Camp
Encounters with Christ | Powerful Worship | New Friendships | Prayer Ministry | An Awakened Heart and Mind
God is pouring out His Spirit on the next generation. We are only seeing the first fruits of it, but it is evident. In the past year many salvations, baptisms, revival gatherings, and youth-led movements have begun. DOVE began as a youth movement 40 years ago, and we are believing that God is stirring something new in Gen Z that will invoke another generation to “serve the Lord in their days.” This will be a weekend to “Feed the Flame” that has been awakened inside of you. For those who have not yet experienced life with Jesus, come and see how much He loves you and the life He has for you. We look forward to gathering hundreds of teenagers for a weekend we won’t soon forget.
For this reason I remind you to fan into flame the gift of God.
2 Timothy 1:6
For all youth ages 13 and up
Youth from multiple states come together for this powerful event. Bring friends along for a life-changing weekend!
Retreat check-in begins Friday at 6:30 pm
Departure after Sunday lunch
Everyone receives a cool T-shirt with their retreat registration.
Registration cost coming!
Scholarships available –email youth@dcfi.org for more information.
**Payment is made to your youth leader and not during online registration. If you do not have a youth leader, contact youth@dcfi.org for payment instructions.