Could long-term missions be for you?


What do we offer to

long-term missionaries?

  • Prayer support

  • Guidance through practical steps (obtaining visas, raising prayer and financial support)

  • Pastoral support while on the field

  • Transitional support when moving between countries

  • Assistance in advertising ministry availability when missionary is in the USA

  • Assistance in securing housing when missionary is in the USA

Long-term missionaries serve in ten countries

DOVE Mission International exists to:

  • help everyone in DOVE USA engage in holistic and cross-cultural mission
  • send missionaries and missionary teams
  • support the DOVE family and the body of Christ with the final goal of reaching the unreached

Contact us to begin following the call to missions service.


DMI - Initial Interest Form

Let's start the conversation on serving with DMI. Tell us about yourself!

  • By providing your email address, you agree to be contacted about the DMI programs selected below.
  • Check as many as apply to you.
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.