Duane Britton

Teaching, Apostolic

Ministry Focuses*:

  • Vital, vibrant, and vision-focused marriages for leaders
  • Leadership and board member strengths (individual and team building)
  • Career and professional coaching
  • Expand the Kingdom into community (developing visibility, relationships, and serving)
  • Equip every believer to minister (Christian maturity, growth, and development)
  • How to manage change
  • Leadership by influence

*Duane and Reyna Britton own and operate Britton Consulting Group. There is a set fee structure for their services.

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Duane has served for the past thirty years in a variety of leadership positions in both the church and business world. He served seventeen years as DOVE Westgate’s lead pastor and elder. Duane owns and operates an organizational development consulting and leadership coaching practice which he and his wife, Reyna, launched in 2008. He holds a master’s degree in psychology/counseling. Duane’s blend of gifts geared toward equipping leaders and strengthening the body of Christ include teacher, administrator, church planter, counselor, mediator and conference/seminar speaker. The Brittons have a blended family of three adult children and several grandchildren.


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