I like the following quote by Reed Markham, “Successful leaders see the opportunities in every difficulty rather than the difficulty in every opportunity.” Neither opportunities nor difficulties are in short supply when you are a leader. 

But a successful leader is not put off by the difficulties, they are able to see the opportunities in the midst of the very difficulty confronting them. In fact some of the greatest opportunities for personal growth and advancement come in the midst of the most trying situations. But you have to see the opportunity in the midst of the challenge in front of you, giving yourself to it, taking advantage of the opportunity that wouldn’t be there if it wasn’t for the difficulty. 

Our natural nature wants to just look for opportunities, sometimes forgetting that every opportunity has within itself its own set of difficulties. Sometimes it is the difficulties of the opportunity that cause us to lose the opportunity that we were presented with in the first place, because we were unable to see ourselves through it. 

So, look for opportunities, but don’t shy away from difficulties. You greatest opportunity to experience the grace of God today may be camouflaged as a difficulty. It may be hard to see, but the opportunity is there if you look for it. And like most good opportunities, you have to look hard to find the best ones.
