EMT is unlike any other camp you have been to!
This experience has been designed to challenge you to live like Jesus. These eight days will push you out of your comfort zone, but you will also find yourself full of life as you step out. It’s what Jesus promised His followers. This camp is not for the light-hearted! It will stretch you physically, emotionally, spiritually, and mentally. If you have any level of uncertainty, please consult your youth leader or e-mail us at youth@dcfi.org before applying. At the same time, nobody can ever be totally prepared to follow Jesus… Sometimes you have to just “drop your net” and say “yes” (Matthew 4).

“EMT was one of the greatest weeks of my life.”Â
“I wish I could spend the whole summer at EMT!”Â
– EMT students
What to Expect
God has a unique call on your life. Each day at EMT, we will teach you. We will pray for you. We will worship together. And then, we will send you out to do what you were just taught! After Jesus equipped His disciples, He sent them out “to proclaim the Kingdom of God.” Being sent activated their faith! This year, many of the outreaches will look a bit different, but it doesn’t change the mission—that the world would know Jesus!
Still not sure what to expect? Check out this recap from EMT 2024

How it works: Equip, Activate, Launch
- PHASE 1: Key teachings, powerful worship, and activation in the streets of Reading, PA
- PHASE 2: We will place you on a specific Spirit-Led Team in Reading, led by adult leaders
Phase 2 Spirit-Led Teams:
Don’t be intimidated by the term “Spirit-led.” Each team will have strong leaders who will guide the team in a concentrated outreach. It will be an experience you won’t forget!
EMT is for teens 13 to 18 years old who have a serious desire to live for God and reach our world. As part of your application, your youth leader or mentor must provide a recommendation for you to attend EMT.
Students have the option to attend for Phase 1 only or to attend the full eight days. Most students elect to stay for the full experience.
PHASE 1 (Days 1-4): approximately $295
PHASE 1 + 2 (Full 8 days): approximately $395
What’s included? A full eight-night stay at Rosedale Camp, food, and two cool T-shirts 🙂 We work hard to keep our prices affordable. We encourage you and your youth group to view this as a missions trip and fundraise! For those who cannot afford or raise funds, partial scholarships are available. For info, contact youth@dcfi.org.

Follow us on the socials below to stay up to date on EMT happenings and daily encouragement!
But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.