I am applying for (please select one):* What's Included in the Cost? The cost of EMT covers lodging, meals, and transportation while attending. Additionally, participants will receive a T-shirt for both Phase 1 and Phase 2, ensuring everyone is equipped and unified for each stage of training and outreach.
I understand that I will be charged a $50 application fee at the conclusion of this application.* After clicking "Submit," you will be redirected to PayPal for payment. Please allow the page a moment to load before closing your browser. Applications submitted without payment will NOT be processed.
The $50 application fee serves as a deposit toward your total balance. Churches will receive an invoice for the remaining amount. However, if you are not attending as part of a DOVE church, you will be invoiced individually. (For example, if you are attending both Phase 1 and Phase 2, your remaining balance will be $345.)
Please note that the $50 application fee is non-refundable if you are accepted to EMT but choose not to attend. However, if you are not accepted, we will fully reimburse the fee.
2025 EMT Application Fee* Price:
New for 2025: Sibling Discount Offer! We’re excited to introduce a new sibling discount for families with multiple students attending EMT in 2025! The first child will be full price, and any additional siblings will receive 50% off their EMT cost. Please indicate below by selecting Yes or No if you have a sibling attending EMT this year. If you select Yes, you will be given the option to enter the first and last names of all siblings attending. Note: All siblings must submit their own application. This section is simply our way of connecting siblings for the discount.
Does applicant have a sibling applying to EMT?* Siblings Name First Last
Siblings Name First Last
Siblings Name First Last
EMT Overview | Phase 1 Phase 1 is the foundational stage of EMT, combining dynamic teaching, hands-on outreach, and evangelism training. This phase is designed to equip you with the knowledge and confidence needed to share the Gospel effectively.
EMT Overview | Phase 2 Phase 2 is where training turns into action. In this phase, you’ll apply what you’ve learned through real-world evangelism opportunities. A key component of Phase 2 is Spirit-Led Evangelism, where teams will spend time in prayer, journaling, and listening to the Holy Spirit for direction. Together, each team will discern how God is leading them and step out in faith to put His guidance into action.
Outreach Opportunities in Phase 2 During Phase 2 of EMT, there may be opportunities for various outreach initiatives. In the past, these have included sports and creative arts evangelism, though this may or may not be available this year. We are actively praying, strategizing, and collaborating with other ministries to develop a plan that aligns with what God is doing during this time. While we work to finalize these details, please understand that outreach opportunities may vary based on availability and ministry partnerships.
Personal Information Name* First Last
Address* Gender* Birth date of applicant:* MM slash DD slash YYYY
Age at time of camp:* Please note that the recommended age for EMT is 13-18. If you are not 13-18 and would like to apply, please contact youth@dcfi.org before proceeding.
Applicant email (if they have one):
Would you like to receive a monthly e-newsletter from DOVE International? The DOVE Feed is a monthly newsletter with encouragement and news from DOVE family around the world.
Applicant phone (if they have one):
Church you are attending EMT with:* Please enter the church group you are attending with. (Ex. If you regularly attend a non-DOVE church, but you are attending EMT with a friend from a DOVE church, please select the DOVE church from the drop-down menu.) If your church is not listed, select "Other." If you are not sure which church you are attending with, select "Other."
Select your church. Abundant Harvest - PA Agape Beaufort - SC Agape Marysville - OH Allentown Victory Church - PA Bethel Church - SC Broadlands Community - VA Calvary Worship Center - MA Cross Creek Community - FL Crossroads Community - VA Desert Streams - OR DOVE E-town - PA DOVE Lebanon - PA DOVE Wilmington - OH DOVE Rivers of Life - PA DOVE Westgate Church - PA Dwelling Place Worship Center - PA Freedom Lighthouse Ministries - PA Identity Church - OH Ignited Generation - NH Indian Lake - MA LifeChurch Reading - PA New Life - PA Newport - PA Overflow Community - PA Perry Hall - PA Revival Outreach Ministries - IL The Fireplace - PA The Hive - OR The Orchard - PA VibrantChurch - PA OTHER CHURCH NOT LISTED. I DO NOT REGULARLY ATTEND A CHURCH.
(IF APPLICABLE) If you were invited by a friend to EMT and you are not part of a DOVE church, what is your friend's name? This helps us stay organized and know who invited you! When possible, we will also place you in the same small group.
Parent Name 1:* First Last
Parent Name 2: First Last
Parent Phone (Primary)*
Parent Phone (Back Up)
Parent E-mail:*
Applicant T-Shirt Size:* Adult Small Adult Medium Adult Large Adult XL Adult XXL Adult XXXL
Has the applicant ever attended EMT before?* Medical/Insurance Information Is the student covered by personal/family medical insurance or a medical sharing program*?* Examples of medical sharing program are Christian Healthcare Ministries, Medishare, etc.
If Yes, name of insurer or medical sharing program:* Place 'N/A' if not insured.
Does the applicant have any medical or physical limitation we should be aware of that may affect participating in any activity? (This information will be kept confidential)
Does the applicant have any dietary restrictions? (Confidential)
Do you currently take any medications? If yes, please list the medications and condition being treated. (Confidential)
Parental Consent If you are under 18 years of age, your parent or guardian must complete the following:
Consent to Attend* My child has my permission to attend EMT in Reading, PA at Rosedale Camp in the summer of 2025.
Medical Consent* I consent to emergency medical treatment deemed necessary in the unlikely event of an accident. I will pay for any and all expenses incurred should insurance not cover them. I also release DOVE USA, the host ministry, and staff from any liability resulting from any accident or illness. I will take full financial responsibility for costs incurred if my child needs to be sent home due to an emergency or misbehavior.
I agree to the medical consent statement.
Parental Release and Indemnification Agreement* DOVE USA, a Pennsylvania non-profit organization with offices at 11 Toll Gate Road, Lititz, PA 17543, runs its Evangelism Missions Training (EMT) in accordance with policies and values of DOVE USA. EMT occurs at Rosedale Grove, 1616 Vine Street, Laureldale, PA 19605. We, the undersigned parent(s) or legal guardian(s) execute this Parental Release and Indemnification Agreement (Agreement) for and on behalf of the application-identified Child. We affirm that we hold legal status of parent or legal guardian of the Child. We understand that for the Child to participate in the EMT and outreach programs, all parents and legal guardians of the Child shall execute the Agreement. We do hereby authorize drivers and personnel to transport the Child to and from EMT and outreach activities, as DOVE USA may elect to provide such transportation from time to time, although DOVE has no obligation whatsoever to provide such transportation. We agree that the Child will abide by the policies established by DOVE USA, and as enforced by DOVE USA in its sole discretion. We understand that activities such as those conducted at EMT and vehicular transportation to or from those activities are inherently risky, and pose the specific risks of serious bodily injury for participants, drivers and passengers. Both for ourselves and on behalf of the Child, we hereby assume the risk of activities that we or the Child engages in with EMT including risks encountered in sports activities and transportation for such activities. We hereby release, discharge, and/or otherwise indemnify DOVE USA and affiliated sponsors and organizations, their employees, volunteers and associated personnel (including the owners of property and facilities utilized for the program), from and against any claim, loss or damages by or on behalf of us or the Child arising from the negligence of any DOVE personnel (including volunteers) or from our or the child’s participation in EMT activities or transportation. We agree that to the extent we or the Child’s other parent(s) or legal guardian(s) is liable for any claim involving DOVE USA that we shall be held jointly and severally liable, together with the Child’s other parent(s) and legal guardian(s), for any liability arising from the Child’s participation in EMT activities or transportation. We agree to assume full responsibility for any medical bills incurred, in the event any health insurance we have or do not have would fail to cover the full cost of treatment, transport, or other emergency service incurred for the Child. Should DOVE USA in its sole discretion determine that the Child must return home before the group for medical or disciplinary reasons, we hereby agree to assume any costs for such travel, including costs for meals and accommodations.
I agree to the parental release statement.
Parent/Guardian Signature:* By signing I affirm that I am the parent or guardian of the applicant and consent to each of the above statements.
Student Consent The student applicant should complete this section of the application.
Student Consent for Dismissal or Disciplinary Action* Doing any of the following is grounds for dismissal from EMT and outreaches: 1. Using alcoholic beverages, illegal drugs, or tobacco of any kind 2. Stealing or gambling 3. Pornography 4. Displaying any level of romantic or dating relationships - this includes holding hands, kissing, etc. 5. Leaving the camp premises without permission. Doing any of the following is grounds for disciplinary action and possible dismissal from EMT: 1. Fighting, disorderly conduct, or excessive noise 2. Using profanity or temperamental outbursts 3. Inappropriate use of phones 4. Not keeping your bed and items neat and clean 5. Disobedience to team leaders 6. Not keeping curfew
I understand and agree with the consent for dismissal statement.
Student Signature* By signing here, I agree to the guidelines and rules of EMT. I also commit to living pure and staying positive throughout the week. I understand that this week has been designed to transform my life and I plan to give everything I have to loving God, serving the city of Reading, and loving those around me.
Personal Testimony Section Required for both Phase 1 + 2 applicants. Please take your time on this section so that we can get to know you.
Personal Testimony* Please share your testimony. Include how you gave your life to Christ, how long you have been a Christian, how God is working in your life, your experience with the baptism of the Holy Spirit, etc.
Why do you want to be involved in EMT this year?*
If you have attended EMT before, in what ways have you grown since your last experience? (If you have not attended EMT before, please put 'N/A')*
Phase 2 | Overview & Outreach Opportunities This section is for the outreach phase of EMT (July 29-Augugst 2).
Please read the following:* Phase 2 is designed to help you discover the unique gifts God has given you to build the Kingdom of God. With unique outreaches, you will have the opportunity to apply the talents God has given you to reach the world for Jesus. During Phase 2 of EMT, there may be opportunities for various outreach initiatives. In the past, these have included sports and creative arts evangelism, though this may or may not be available this year. We are actively praying, strategizing, and collaborating with other ministries to develop a plan that aligns with what God is doing during this time. While we work to finalize these details, please understand that outreach opportunities may vary based on availability and ministry partnerships.
I understand how Phase 2 functions
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Which of these outreach teams is your FIRST choice for EMT? Why is this your first choice?*
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If you selected the creative arts team, do you have any background in dance, music, acting, worship? Please list as many helpful details as possible to help our team leaders plan outreaches. (ex. I have 4 years experience on guitar and I can sing a little.)
Total $0.00
Name This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.