EMT 2024 LEADER Application

This form is required for all volunteer leaders planning to serve at EMT.

    *Make sure to check with your church to see if they will offer you a scholarship to serve at EMT 2024. Many times churches have specific accounts to help their leaders serve in these types of areas! If your church does not have funds set aside for this, e-mail youth@dcfi.org, and we can likely assist you.
  • Phase 2 Applicant Only (SKIP if you are only attending EMT for Phase 1)

    Please only complete this section if you are volunteering for Phase 1 + 2.
  • If you will only be at Phase 1 of EMT, please answer with "N/A."
  • Background Check

    *If you have checked this box, please e-mail youth@dcfi.org for assistance.
  • You will receive an email detailing the instructions on how to obtain clearances from your state.