One of our books is called Evolving Missions

Evolving Missions: 24 Voices Reflecting on Missions Today

Understand the diversity of missions today and how we can all participate

This book shows the breadth and diversity of God’s mission to the world today, coming from people of five nationalities who have lived in twenty nations. This compilation of articles helps us understand many facets of missions, such as missions and children, women, reconciliation, social justice, special needs, prayer, culture, the use of technology, and business as mission, to name but a few of the subjects in this book. The authors’ hope is that they will inspire prayer for missions and missionaries, as well as help readers find their place in God’s mission to all peoples today.

One of our books is called Preparing to Go: Your Guide to a Successful Missions Trip

Preparing to Go: Your Guide to Short-Term Missions

You said “Yes” to God’s call to short-term missions. Now what?

When Jesus sent out His disciples, He did not just tell them to go. In Luke 10, He trained them as well! This book provides advice on the spiritual and practical preparation for a fruitful missions trip, such as how to minister in another culture, delivering your testimony through an interpreter, as well as health guidelines and packing tips.

Make sure to order enough copies so that each member of your team has one!

One of our books is called Welcome to Africa

Welcome to Africa

For many foreigners, Africa may feel like a different world. Customs, expectations, and even church activities are very different. While there is opportunity for rich friendships to develop, there is also the possibility of miscommunication and misunderstanding. This booklet aims to help you understand the cultures you will encounter and navigate new situations. Much of the guidance in this booklet applies specifically to the East Africa region. Yet, while we acknowledge the tribal, national, and regional differences in culture throughout Africa, a good deal of the content of this book may still prove useful to foreigners visiting anywhere in this beautiful continent.

To purchase this book, please email The suggested donation for this booklet is $4. If you’re leading a team, make sure to order enough copies so that each person has one!

Podcast episodes

Many of the DMI missionaries have made guest appearances on the Larry Kreider Leadership Podcast!

By exploring history, Dr. Peter Bunton sheds light on the valuable lessons we can glean about cell groups and house churches.
Dr. Peter Bunton returns to the studio to talk about his book titled Succeeding at Succession: Founder and Leadership Succession in Christian Organizations and Movements.
This workshop will teach you how to write effective resources for those in your sphere
Church Planting Made Practical is one of the most valuable church-planting resources we have!
Peter Bunton talks about Preparing to Go, one of DMI's most popular resources