Giving up is never an option! I read last week in Lee Grady’s “Fire in My Bones” article that George Muller prayed regularly over a list of five men. The first man was saved after 5 years, the second and third after 10 years, the fourth after 25 years and the fifth man came to know Jesus after 52 years of prayer, shortly after Muller’s death. Talk about perseverance! 

What are you believing for today? What have you been contending for in the past weeks, months, years? I have quit a number of things that I am praying for that I haven’t seen the answers to yet. But I am not giving up! I am not talking about taking a nonchalant view of things, the “whatever – whenever” mentality. I am talking about consistent engagement with the Holy Spirit, making your request known to God and believing and responding to the Holy Spirit as He gives direction. You need to pray, but you also need to act on what He has shown you. For some of you reading this right now, you need to act on what the Holy Spirit has been telling you. You have held off, procrastinated, and have not followed through. The Holy Spirit is waiting for you to follow through on your part so He can follow through on His part. Today is a great day for action. 

Praying for something to become reality for 20 -30 years is a long time. But the other option is giving up, and that lasts forever! I like the first option a whole lot better. 

Rom 5:3-4  …but we also glory in tribulations, knowing that tribulation produces perseverance; 4 and perseverance, character; and character, hope. NKJV
