Your future is not in front of you, your future is inside you and it is up to you to bring it out. Your future will not come to you, you have to pursue it and develop it. Someone said, “Well, if it is God’s will, it will happen.” Maybe, maybe not. If you have a desire to be a lawyer, you have to go to law school! No way out of it. And if you choose not to do the time, you can pray, declare and prophesy and even if it is God’s plan for your life, it will not happen. There are certain things that you need to do to not only find His will, but fulfill His plan.
I like what Jim Baker, a pastor from Ohio says. “Destiny is not something you manufacture like a self-help book would tell you. It’s something you uncover and is revealed to you as you walk with God.” The more you walk with Him the more He reveals His plan and purpose for your life. His plan and purpose for your life always carries an objective with it. He loves you, He cares about you, but it is not about you. It is about His objective. More about that another day!
As you pursue Him, your destiny will come into focus and when it comes into focus, there will be steps, plans and strategies that need to be executed to bring your destiny about. Your future coming into focus is a picture that all of us want to see. The brighter your future becomes, the brighter ours will be too.