There is always a need for leaders in the Kingdom! There is a constant cry in the Spirit for those who would be willing to lay down their lives for the sake of others. The Kingdom of God continues to grow and there is an ongoing need for leaders who lead with integrity and a passion to see others become all that they can be in Christ.


While everyone should be able and desiring to live their life in such a way that they can say as the Apostle Paul said to the Corinthian Church: 1 Cor 11:1 Imitate me, just as I also imitate Christ. It is even more important for Kingdom Leaders to be able to say that.


Given that the school of leadership is always open, and classes are always in session, as leaders we need to be developing “Leadership Pathways” for upcoming leaders to align with. Developing that pathway is a role and responsibility that a leader has in order to develop spiritual sons and daughters.


As you look to create these pathways, look for developing leaders who have the “Three “C’s” of Leadership.”


  1. Call – The very last thing you want to do is put someone in leadership that does not have a call to leadership. That is a recipe for frustrations resulting in wounded people and dashed dreams. You can invest in someone who has the call from the Lord to leadership. I am not as concerned where they are at on the journey to lead, the key is that they are teachable and have the second “C.”


  1. Capacity – Look for developing leaders who have a capacity to lead. This includes teachability, transparency, integrity, and vulnerability in their lives with a God given ability to grow in responsibility. An ability to accept the weight of leadership, starting with small increments coupled with a willingness to take on new roles as the Holy Spirit would direct. Which leads to the third “C.”


  1. Commitment – You cannot build long term with leaders who do not have this “C” in play. They will give up, back up, flame out, retreat, or whatever term you want to put to it. The bottom line is that leadership takes commitment. Not just commitment to lead but more importantly, commitment to the process of maturing so that they can step into a role of leadership and a willingness to stay in class on the journey to leadership.



As a leader yourself, create the “Leadership Pathway” for those you are mothering and fathering and look for those who have the three “C’s.” While there is never a guarantee of a 100% success rate, the reality is that people with the three “C’s” will have a great foundation as you pour into them which provides you with a greater rate of success!


Blessings, Ron

All in All the Time