Jesus declares In John 5:17 But Jesus answered them, “My Father has been working until now, and I have been working.” Wherever you are located, whatever you are currently doing, know that the Holy Spirit has long been working before you got there and will continue to work long after you leave.
So, to bring it into better perspective, the success you are experiencing now in advancing the Kingdom is primarily based on what I consider four realities:
- Someone before you has been praying for the Lord to do something in the sphere you are working.
- The Holy Spirit responded to that prayer.
- The Holy Spirit has invited you into the plan / strategy to answer that prayer.
- By joining the Holy Spirit, you have the opportunity to work with Him in accomplishing His will in that sphere.
The freeing thing about this is that it isn’t primarily focused on us trying to make something happen. It is primarily finding out what the Holy Spirit is doing and join with Him. I find that extremely freeing! It doesn’t mean it won’t be challenging, difficult, sacrificial, discouraging at times, or even guarantees my success.
What is does mean is that we are partnering with Him verses asking Him to partner with us. And that changes the way I look at things. I no longer pray, Lord don’t fail me. My prayer is Lord, don’t let me fail you. Keep me in tune with you, Holy Spirit every step of the way. It is like Jesus emptying Himself of His own desires and praying, Father, not my will but yours be done!
Paul writes in 1 Thess 5:24 “He who calls you is faithful, who also will do it.”While there is certainly a part that I need to play it is reassuring to know that He is playing the major role. I am just one of the supporting cast.