Many people do all they can to make their presence known. Some do it with a gregarious personality, some with an outlandish outward appearance, and maybe some with a strong demeanor either pleasant or moody. But the pillar of their thought life is that in order to be somebody, I need to make my presence known. So their focus is,  “What can I do to be noticed, to stand out from others, to tower above the competition”. And “How can I get others to market my stuff?” In today’s social industry it is all about reviews and having others use social media to broadcast your contributions.

I am challenged often by Jesus’ comments on numerous occasions when He performed a mighty miracle, “Tell no one!” was His follow up statement.  What? That doesn’t make sense. Wouldn’t you want people to know all the great things that you have been doing to all of mankind? Wouldn’t you want the prestige of your presence being known everywhere you went? How will you become great if no one is singing your praises, spreading your good deeds, telling of your accomplishments.

Acts 10:38 speaks about Jesus, anointed by the Holy Spirit going about doing good, healing and delivering those who were oppressed. Mary and Martha were probably the first ones who really recorded the true strategy of Christ when they both met Jesus after their brother, Lazarus had died. Both of them, independently of each other, when they met Jesus straightaway said, “Lord if you had been here our brother would not have died!”

Jesus was very cautious about letting His presence known but He lived and served in such a way that His absence was keenly felt. May we live out our lives today serving others in such a way that our absence is felt more than our presence. And when your absence is felt, your presence will be well known. Live with others in mind, not that they notice your presence, but more so that they are very aware of your absence.
