I have a placard on the wall at my desk that says “Anyone can hold the helm when the sea is calm”. It takes extraordinary leaders in the storm tossed waters we currently find ourselves in. But that is why you are in the position you are in. “For such a time as this!” The Lord in His infinite wisdom chose you to lead right now.  He placed you there for such a time as this and for such a season as we are currently experiencing. If He believes in you enough to have you lead maybe your own confidence should increase a tad as well to come up to His level of trust.


I remember one time facing a daunting life change and I asked the Lord if I have what it takes to do this. I was shook to my core when I was sure I heard Him say “NO!” But my uncertainty only lasted a few moments as the next thing I heard Him say was, “That’s why you need me!” Relief!! I don’t need to have it all complete and all together. I just need to stay in connection and be tight with the one who does! He will lead, guide, direct, bring others into my life that know more, and just plainly provide all that I need to fulfill my current role. It is what He does to accomplish His will.


When I am secure in that, I can lead through uncertainty, stay the course in troubled waters, hold fast in winds of adversity, and lead with confidence! When the sea turns tempest, I rest secure knowing that He placed me here to hold steady. Those on board with you will gain peace from your confidence in His ability to give what you need to do what you need to do!

