I was with a group of church leaders a few months ago and they were all given reports on how their churches were doing. They all shared how in March of 2020 when then, almost all churches were forced to discontinue meeting publicly and forced to go online. Almost bar none, ever leader I spoke to said something like this. “We have wanted to go on line for years but this forced us to do so.” I then asked the group, how long did it take you to get up and running a live stream online presence. “We did it in one week” was the common response.


After listening to a number of leaders share the same thing, I made this proposal and observation to them. “If you were able to make a change in one week that you were thinking about for a long time, I would venture to think there are other changes that you have been thinking about that you could make more quickly than you currently are. I am not saying to just make changes without thinking through them and the ramifications of such change, but I am saying that we can move faster than we do many times.


Let me close with a quote I read recently. Leadership is taking people somewhere…… if there is no journey, there is no leadership!


The Lord has placed you in leadership to take your people where they would not normally go by themselves. It is your responsibility to get them there. Change is often a part of that journey. Keep your focus on the mission, which in doing so may require you to change the methodology.

