Short-term teams 2025

Scroll down for details, application, and FAQs!

“Before the trip, I felt God guiding me to pray Psalm 133:1 over our time of ministry together. This verse says, ‘How good and pleasing it is when God’s people live together in unity.’ I really felt God fulfill that promise within our group. I was so blessed and grateful to serve in unity with such an amazing team.”

A member of a team to Germany

“Prioritizing who to give certain medications to due to low supply challenged my skills during this trip, but God gave me grace during the [medical] camps. I have never felt so inadequate in my own strength but more than adequate (thanks to the Lord) in my entire life.”

A doctor on a team to Kenya

“This trip was the first time I had traveled internationally as a young adult, and so much was uncertain and new to me. I was amazed at the level of unexpected peace I felt. The knowledge that so many at home were praying for me and my team expanded my faith in the power of prayer.”

A member of a team to Germany

“I had a last-minute opportunity to interpret some of the training sessions. Although I speak Spanish fairly regularly, I hadn’t interpreted from English to Spanish in six years. God gave me the grace to do it well, and the training went on as planned.”

A member on a team to Peru

“The task of organizing the basement had been extremely overwhelming to one of the staff at The Justice Project. Her relief and genuine gratefulness while looking at the finished, much neater space made my heart glad.”

A member on a team to Germany

Frequently Asked Questions

Qualifications for participation on a short-term team are…

  • to be a born-again Christian
  • to be willing to serve and be flexible
  • getting a pastor recommendation
  • having a valid passport that expires at least six months after the proposed return date (for international teams)


We are looking for the following types of people to serve on our medical missions teams.

  • Qualified medical personnel to work with local doctors in giving medical care
  • People skilled in prayer ministry to meet with and pray for patients
  • Children’s workers to minister to children at the clinic

Minors are those who will be under 18 years old for any part of the trip, even if their 18th birthday occurs during the team dates. DOVE Mission International requires two documents to be completed for these participants: a notarized travel consent form and a parental release form. 

Download all forms for minors here.

What you need when you’re ready to apply:

  • 15-20 minutes
  • Passport information (if you have one)
  • Medical insurance information
  • $100 deposit towards your final team fee


There are two ways you can apply for a short-term team!

  1. Download the PDF application here and submit via email ( or hard copy (11 Toll Gate Road, Lititz, PA 17543).
  2. Fill out an online application.

Yes! Your team leader will organize these meetings with you and your teammates. Each person on the team will receive a free copy of Preparing to Go, which will help you get ready for the missions trip.

You can expect to…

  • serve the local community through a combination of the team “job description” and your unique gifts
  • develop friendships with people on your team and in your host country
  • grow deeper in your relationship with God
  • try something new (whether that’s sharing your testimony, leading someone to the Lord, or learning some words in the local language)


A trip with DOVE Mission International is NOT…

  • vacation. There may be one day of sightseeing, but for most of the trip, you will be serving the local community.

We work carefully with the team’s host to come up with a cost that will cover all needed expenses but not be a burden for team members to pay. The final cost includes the following budget items.

  • Round-trip flight costs and other transportation during the trip (Please note that in the event of an extreme change in the cost of the flights, we may need to increase the team fee. This will be clearly communicated.)
  • Accommodation
  • Meals
  • Supplies/materials (if needed)
  • Interpreters (if needed)
  • Travel insurance
  • An excursion
  • Administrative fee
  • A copy of Preparing to Go and a copy of Welcome to Africa if you’re going to a nation in East Africa

The $100 application fee is included in the final team cost.

Half of the total team cost is due no later than four months before the departure date. The remaining half is due no later than two months before the departure date. 

For example, let’s say the missions team you want to join costs $2,100 and will begin on July 1. When you apply for the team, you’ll submit the $100 application fee, leaving you with a balance of $2,000. You should submit at least $1,000 to DMI by March 1 and the remaining $1,000 by May 1.

We always accept payments earlier than those deadlines; in fact, there is even a place to submit more than the $100 application fee within the online application itself!

If a country has a list of required vaccines that enable you to enter the country, then yes, DMI will require those as well. However, some nations simply have a list of recommended vaccines. In that case, DMI strongly recommends that all participants be up to date on the list of vaccines recommended by the US Center for Disease Control for the nation you will travel to. We will request all participants’ vaccine history or a signed statement that they wish to refuse vaccination.

Testimonies and photos from previous teams

Interested in a longer-term missions placement? We offer six-month internships!

Medical Missions

DOVE Medical Missions in the USA has sent a medical missions team to Kenya each year a few years in a row. In February 2024, a team volunteered at four medical camps in northeastern Kenya and saw over 800 patients.


In 2024, DOVE Guatemala hosted their first medical missions clinics in five years! We were honored to partner with them and help make this happen.


If you would like to get involved in the next medical missions team, email us! We would love to hear from you. Reach out to


The vision of DOVE Medical Missions is proclaiming Christ to the nations through medical care.

We will accomplish our mission by:

  • Sending medical and other personnel to the nations, both short-term and long-term
  • Facilitating and sending medical teams and supporting ministry teams
  • Resourcing DOVE churches into medical and service ministry, encouraging cooperation with DOVE ministries, churches and church plants
  • Establishing ongoing, long-term medical ministry where needed
  • Training and educating local medical personnel

In recent years we have served in Peru, Kenya, Uganda, Iraq, and Haiti.