

Understanding Church Plant Finances

I know, I know – not the most exciting topic when you're fired up about reaching people for Jesus. But here's the reality: understanding your finances is just as crucial as understanding your calling.   [...]

A Process For Discipleship That Actually Works

Hey there, church planters! By faith, I'm believing that you are outward-focused and reaching people who were from Christ. So let's talk about turning those new believers into disciple-making machines (okay, maybe just faithful followers [...]

Consistency, Competence, and Communication in Church Planting

For a new church to not only survive but thrive, there are three key pillars every church planter must embrace: Consistency, Competence, and Communication. These aren’t just buzzwords; they are essential tools for building a [...]

A Reproducing Model for Church Plants

Starting a new church is a wild ride, but the dream should always be bigger than just building one congregation. Imagine this: within three years, not only does your church plant take root, but it [...]

Building a Strong Foundation

The success of any church plant lies in its foundation. Let me tell you, this isn’t just about having a great location or the coolest technology—although those can help. It’s about the heart and soul [...]

Developing a Launch Team for Your Church Plant

One of the critical steps in the church planting journey is developing a strong, committed launch team. Think of your launch team as the backbone of your new church—they will be your biggest supporters, your [...]