There is no greater power than the one that is quickening in your life right now. Rom 8:11 The Spirit of God, who raised Jesus from the dead, lives in you. And just as God raised Christ Jesus from the dead, he will give life to your mortal bodies by this same Spirit living within you. NLT 

In man’s quest for power, the realization that the greatest power on earth already resides in all of us, who are children of God, fulfills any emotional need to secure any power that the world can offer surrounding our lives. We can rest in the assurance that there is no greater power than the one we can walk in the fullness of today. 

But the question is, power to do what? While it includes the power for the miraculous, the power of life for these mortal bodies, as Paul states, but  many other aspects as well. One other note worthy aspect of that power is the ability to walk in love.  John 15:13-14 There is no greater love than to lay down one’s life for one’s friends. NLT We usually equate power to the one who rises to the top, the winner, the victor, the champion, but we need to also understand that the power the Lord gives us sometimes, is the power to give in, the power to lay down our rights, the power to become a servant to others, to prefer others above ourselves.   

Jesus modeled it by laying His life down on the cross, by making the decision not to do what was convenient nor comfortable for Him, but what was best and most profitable for you and me. And in doing so, He really moved in power, so much that He destroyed all the power the enemy had over both you, I, and the universe. And in moving in that love, Father God demonstrated His power in its fullness by raising Christ from the dead. And that power is released in us to lay our lives down for others. In doing so, you will receive true life as well. 

D.O.V. E.