It is said that in order to learn something new, you need to be willing to unlearn something old. To embrace the new, you need to let go of the old. Many times the Holy Spirit will offend your mind or mindset before you are able to grasp the new revelation that He is presenting to you. That is where the challenge most often comes because we are hesitant to let go of the old. That’s because the old works for us… we know what to expect… we know how to handle it… it fits our paradigm… and probably the most accurate, it is more comfortable for us to stay in the old than to face the needed change. And we all want to be comfortable.

It is always interesting for me the way people will fight change. They will fight change to the extent that making the change would be a whole lot easier for them than it is for them to continually fight against it. To grow we need to change and to change we need to learn and to learn we need to be willing to unlearn. Make that your goal today, not only to learn something new but to unlearn something old. Make the choice today to allow your mind to be offended. You will not change without it.
