How thankful are you? I try and live a thankful life by trying to keep in mind all that I have been blessed with. Even though my mindset is one of thankfulness, I know there are many times that I take many things for granted, and even more importantly, I take many people for granted.  Many times I am thankful for the “thing” but I am forgetful of who really paid the price for me to receive it. I am very thankful for each of our precious children and the wonderful men and woman that they have grown up to be. And yet sometimes I take for granted the very person who gave birth to each of them, took care of them daily, got them dressed early in the morning so they could run off to school, prayed for each one of them before they walked out the door, and even got them ready every Sunday morning so that they could come and be part of the church we were leading. I can easily forget the sacrifices others have made for my benefit. Or a number of spiritual fathers, who over the years, have put up with my immaturity continuing to pour into me believing that it would have an impact and bring about change in my life.

I didn’t watch the Oscars last week and I am sure by now many of you have heard what Lupita Nyong’o said in her acceptance speech when she received the award for Best Supporting  Actress in the movie 12 Years a Slave. Nyong’o said,  “It doesn’t escape me for one moment that so much joy in my life is thanks to so much pain in someone else’s.” What a great revelation! As soon as I read that statement, I immediately made the spiritual correlation. Never forget that all the joy, freedom, provision, and relationship with God that you are experiencing in your life is because one person experienced pain, suffering, and separation from God in theirs, namely Jesus Christ. So as you are mindful of all that you have received, keep in mind all that He had to give up for you to receive it. And in that you should be truly thankful!
