I know each of you are desiring to have an even more intimate relationship with Jesus than you are currently experiencing. I know I am! I am so grateful for the intimacy that I am currently walking in, but just like my relationship with my wife Bonnie, I desire more. One of the main reasons I desire more is that I know more is available!


Danny Silk writes in his book, “Keep Your Love On”, the definition of intimacy is “into-me-see”. What a great definition. I was talking to a young leader last night and he was sharing a vision and dream that he felt the Lord gave Him for the future but one of his main desires is that the Lord would reveal anything in his life that would short circuit that dream or the success of the dream would cause a short circuit in him. In other words he was calling out to the Lord for more “into-me-see”!


David writes in Ps 139:23-24 Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. 24 Point out anything in me that offends you, and lead me along the path of everlasting life.(NLT)


One of the most effective ways to get closer to the Lord is to allow Him to have greater access to the inner most parts of our hearts. He already sees these areas anyway, but something profound happens when we willing give Him access. My prayer is, “Lord help me see what you see.”


Often when we think of more intimacy, we think in terms of our seeing and experiencing more of Him when in reality the main thoroughfare of getting to see and experience more of Him is to allow Him to see more of us! Lord, I desire more “into-me-see”! How about you?

