

“Vision: The Unseen Fuel of Church Planting”

"Where there is no vision, the people perish..." - Proverbs 29:18   As we step into a new era of ministry in 2024, there's a burning question that keeps surfacing in the hearts of those [...]

The Power of Authenticity in Church Planting

Church planting is an exciting journey that requires passion, conviction, and faith. As a church planter, you are called to lead the flock, spread the gospel, and help people connect with God. However, in the [...]

Navigating the Adventure of Church Planting: 10 Guiding Principles

I want to dive into a topic that’s close to my heart and crucial for the future of DOVE International: church planting and expansion. Whether you’ve been in the ministry for decades or are just [...]


We do not derive our identity from what we do. We derive our identity from God who created us with specific gifts for a specific plan and purpose that He has for our lives. (See [...]

By |October 3rd, 2023|Categories: Ron's Blog|

The Church in an Ever-Changing World

As pastors, church leaders, or church planters, it's essential to keep up with the changing times. Our world is evolving rapidly, with technology and global perspectives shaping our experiences. However, amidst these changes, we must [...]

Three Common Misconceptions in Church Planting

Today, I want to share three ideas that some church planters might have, but I need to make it clear that they might not always be true or helpful. In this blog post, I hope [...]