Gene and Bethanie Stevenson, originally from Pennsylvania, have been called to work among some of the Native American peoples, as well as the broader population of the American Southwest. Residing in Flagstaff, Arizona, Gene desires to help with the education and training of future Native American leaders. Gene is currently pursuing his doctor of theology degree to increase in excellence in this field. Bethanie, a trained family therapist, works to assist local people as they move towards personal and family wholeness. Bethanie feels the burden of busy Christian leaders who simply need a place to rest and refresh themselves physically, emotionally and spiritually. Gene and Bethanie’s goal is to develop a place for such missionaries and Christian workers who are in need of rest and reflection. 

Birthdays Gene September 3, Bethanie March 13, Aria 11/15/06, Noah 1/27/10, Lily 9/16/11

Mark donations Oasis Southwest

In partnership with a Native American friend, Gene is seeking to establish “The Good Neighbor Project” to help build partnerships between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Christians. You may donate to help this project below.