Planting In Turbulent Times

Starting a life-giving church has never been easy. The season we find ourselves has magnified two things: Planting churches in these turbulent times comes with some unique challenges. The world needs Jesus more than ever and the Great Commission still needs to be fulfilled.   Can we still plant effective, life-changing churches?  The quick answer: [...]

By |2021-12-07T08:48:52-05:00December 1st, 2021|Church Plant USA|Comments Off on Planting In Turbulent Times

Church Planters With Missionary Mindsets

What if church planters considered themselves as missionaries? I believe the paradigm shift makes a huge difference. Sometimes we get into church planting 101 stuff like church planting systems, core team gathering, strategy sessions, etc... and forget the one thing that God called us to do.... make disciples. All of those things are fine and [...]

By |2021-09-01T12:20:04-04:00September 1st, 2021|Church Plant USA|Comments Off on Church Planters With Missionary Mindsets

One Reason NOT To Plant A Church

There are many reasons we should start a church. There are even more reasons we should plant churches that plant churches that will continue to multiply... and plant more churches. There are also numerous reasons not to start a church. We may visit these various reasons in upcoming blog posts, but for now,  here is [...]

By |2021-07-31T16:59:33-04:00July 31st, 2021|Church Plant USA|Comments Off on One Reason NOT To Plant A Church

5 Characteristics of Highly Effective Leaders

A good leader inspires people to do something bigger than themselves. In the case of churches and para-church groups, the Great commission along with the Great Commandment are the driving reasons for all we do. In order to make a difference, we need to work together to accomplish key objectives. I believe that we are truly better together [...]

By |2021-05-11T19:46:35-04:00May 11th, 2021|Church Plant USA|Comments Off on 5 Characteristics of Highly Effective Leaders

A Glance Back and Forward Focus

  In January 2020, I was teaching on the vision for the church as is my norm each year. January and February were great months, and then there was March 2020. It was different. Much different than anything I had experienced in my 20+ years of ministry. [...]

By |2021-01-23T09:02:24-05:00January 23rd, 2021|Church Plant USA|Comments Off on A Glance Back and Forward Focus