Planting Churches or Starting Worship Services?

I have heard a well-intentioned church planter say that if there is a great worship team and an above-average preacher, the church will succeed. I think that is a way to start a worship service but NOT the foundation for a life-giving church plant. So, how can you know if you are merely starting a [...]

By |2022-12-08T18:43:11-05:00December 5th, 2022|Church Plant USA|Comments Off on Planting Churches or Starting Worship Services?

Five Positions Needed When Planting A Community Church

When I say “needed,” I need to qualify that word. If you are planting a house church or micro church, then you may not need these 5 positions. That’s the beauty of “simple church.” This blog post is about planting community churches. Based on my 20+ years of experience, these 5 key positions are needed [...]

By |2022-08-31T03:07:46-04:00September 1st, 2022|Church Plant USA|Comments Off on Five Positions Needed When Planting A Community Church