

A Work in Progress

Church planting, like any other future vision, is a work in progress. For those who think the process is taking entirely too long, I invite you to look at the prophet Habakkuk where he talks [...]

By |April 5th, 2018|Categories: Church Plant USA|


  The disciples had just lived through the most traumatized few days of their lives. They had just experienced the horrible death of Jesus, their leader whom they had come to love and whom had [...]

By |April 2nd, 2018|Categories: Ron's Blog|

Phases of Church-Planting

Phases of church-planting:   Around 4 years into planting our church I met a well-known minister from Texas who was involved in planting several hundred churches. He told me about the 3 phases of church [...]

By |March 28th, 2018|Categories: Church Plant USA|

You have an accent!

  Last week we joined over 400 other believers from the DOVE Family from 22 nations around the globe at our international leadership conference. Have you ever noticed that it is always the other one [...]

By |March 26th, 2018|Categories: Ron's Blog|

Do we need more churches?

Do we need more churches? I have heard it said hundreds of times: “We do not need more churches in our community. We have enough churches already.” I disagree. We cannot fulfill the Great Commission [...]

By |March 13th, 2018|Categories: Church Plant USA|

2020 Challenge Larry and LaVerne Kreider update the DOVE Family on the challenge to grow to 1,000 churches by the year 2020.

By |March 12th, 2018|Categories: Church Plant USA|