

Planting Churches or Starting Worship Services?

I have heard a well-intentioned church planter say that if there is a great worship team and an above-average preacher, the church will succeed. I think that is a way to start a worship service [...]

Church Planting Focus – The top 3 things to focus on when starting a church

I believe churches should be planted with a team. Lone ranger church planting just isn’t healthy. Here are a few words of advice for core teams. Focus on three things “Your focus needs more focus.” – [...]

When Your Church Gets Stuck in Rut

The thought of making a difference stirs you to take action. The excitement of something unique and fresh drives you to step out in faith and plant a church. The first year of the church [...]

Five Positions Needed When Planting A Community Church

When I say “needed,” I need to qualify that word. If you are planting a house church or micro church, then you may not need these 5 positions. That’s the beauty of “simple church.” This [...]

The Four “Must Do’s” of Church Planting. 

While new churches are unique to their local context, there are some key factors that are consistent with all of the church plants. I call these the Four "Must Do's" of church planting.    Here [...]

When Jesus Calls

Let’s be real. Whenever I see my wife’s name come up on my cell phone I take the call.  She is not a phone person so when she calls, I pick up no matter what [...]