Today vs. Tomorrow

Today vs. Tomorrow   Today Opportunities are waiting for my response I can change one area of my life beginning today I can begin that new project I can encourage someone today and make their life different I can reach out to that one relationship that is struggling I can forgive the one whom I [...]

By |2015-10-05T09:41:58-04:00October 5th, 2015|Ron's Blog|0 Comments

That’s the Way I AM

That’s just the way I am! How often have we heard that statement or even used it ourselves when we excuse a bad attitude, a mistake, a way of doing something that isn’t appreciated by others. That’s just the way I am. We make that statement justifying our actions when all we are really stating [...]

By |2015-09-28T09:01:27-04:00September 28th, 2015|Ron's Blog|0 Comments

The Wisdom of Listening

There is so much that I can learn from others. But learning from others requires me to be an active listener, which at times can be a challenge.  Many times I try and interject the things that I have learned but if really want to learn personally, I need to listen. Most likely I will [...]

By |2015-09-14T08:23:14-04:00September 14th, 2015|Ron's Blog|0 Comments

Joyous Occasion

Late Sunday afternoon I had the privilege of performing the wedding ceremony of Duane and Vanessa.  What a supreme joy it is to be asked to perform the ceremony of your own son. Seeing him standing there before me, beginning a new life adventure with the bride of his dreams, what an awesome opportunity! And challenge [...]

By |2015-08-24T09:59:59-04:00August 24th, 2015|Ron's Blog|0 Comments

What You Think!

A friend of mine went through intensive military training. He talked about the underwater course he went through saying he failed it the first time but that  the whole experience does two things. 1) Cures your fear of water and 2) teaches you to control your mind. He said “If your mind tells you that [...]

By |2015-08-17T07:57:49-04:00August 17th, 2015|Ron's Blog|0 Comments

Being There

I know there are many times when I handle a specific situation that some others would feel that I didn’t do the right thing or maybe the best thing. I well understand my limitations at times, but probably am not as aware as maybe I should be. I know that you could have done a [...]

By |2015-08-03T08:10:06-04:00August 3rd, 2015|Ron's Blog|0 Comments


Some of you have questioned my frequency or lack thereof at times with this post. I write this Monday Morning segment as I receive the inspiration. If I am not inspired, I don’t write. I do not write on ahead and if there is nothing stirring in my spirit, I don’t bother to put anything [...]

By |2015-07-20T12:06:18-04:00July 20th, 2015|Ron's Blog|0 Comments

You Are What You Eat

“You are what you eat” is the by-line that has been used by nutritionist for years attempting to get us to monitor our input into our physical bodies more effectively. Obviously a diet of junk food only, will have a negative result on our physical health and physique.  While, we certainly know this is true [...]

By |2015-06-30T05:48:48-04:00June 30th, 2015|Ron's Blog|0 Comments


Delays, life is full of them. We expect such and such to take place and it doesn’t materialize. I am in Chicago right now with a 1.5 hr. delay which means I am going to miss the first part of the meeting that I am leading.  Last week I missed my last 30 min flight [...]

By |2015-06-08T17:08:42-04:00June 8th, 2015|Ron's Blog|1 Comment


Been traveling the past week, first of all to Scotland, to see my good friend John Buchan for two days. John is battling lung cancer and is currently receiving chemo. We had a wonderful time together sharing, praying, and rejoicing in all that the Lord has done and is doing. We are believing for total [...]

By |2015-06-01T13:46:19-04:00June 1st, 2015|Ron's Blog|0 Comments