5 Characteristics of Highly Effective Leaders

A good leader inspires people to do something bigger than themselves. In the case of churches and para-church groups, the Great commission along with the Great Commandment are the driving reasons for all we do. In order to make a difference, we need to work together to accomplish key objectives. I believe that we are truly better together [...]

By |2021-05-11T19:46:35-04:00May 11th, 2021|Church Plant USA|Comments Off on 5 Characteristics of Highly Effective Leaders

Making Disciples

Matthew 28:19–20 “Go therefore and make disciples, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you.” We know about the Great Commission. The "going" is pretty clear. The question is more about the "making" portion of this [...]

By |2021-03-13T10:05:42-05:00March 13th, 2021|Church Plant USA|Comments Off on Making Disciples

Resilience in Ministry

If you have been in ministry for more than a week, you can relate to this blog topic. All of us want to see people discipled and the gospel of Jesus spread to every part of the world. if we are honest, we have all been disappointed. Maybe things didn't play out the way we [...]

By |2021-02-19T15:46:40-05:00February 19th, 2021|Church Plant USA|Comments Off on Resilience in Ministry

A Glance Back and Forward Focus

  In January 2020, I was teaching on the vision for the church as is my norm each year. January and February were great months, and then there was March 2020. It was different. Much different than anything I had experienced in my 20+ years of ministry. [...]

By |2021-01-23T09:02:24-05:00January 23rd, 2021|Church Plant USA|Comments Off on A Glance Back and Forward Focus

The More Things Change – Part 1

By Bryan Stevenson Over twenty years have passed since I was first involved in a church plant. There is much that has changed in the field of worship and technology, but as the saying goes – the more things change, the more they stay the same. No, I am no longer lugging a Fender Passport [...]

By |2021-01-11T10:59:45-05:00January 11th, 2021|Church Plant USA|Comments Off on The More Things Change – Part 1

The God Factor – Revisited

I remember one of Ron Myer's blog posts from 2019. It was titled "The God Factor." Here is a snippet from that post: "In life’s many challenges, sometimes we forget the God factor. I call it the God factor because it is God showing up in the middle of life’s situations and doing the [...]

By |2020-12-23T11:01:33-05:00December 23rd, 2020|Church Plant USA|Comments Off on The God Factor – Revisited

The Value of Catalyst Relationships in Church Leadership

Here is sneak peak early footage as we were learning to shoot a video cast. In this episode Larry Kreider & Merle Shenk talk about the value of Catalyst Relationships for church leaders, aspiring leaders and church planters. There is a synergy that happens with these types of relationships is a great thing to see [...]

By |2019-11-20T11:50:12-05:00September 6th, 2019|Church Plant USA|Comments Off on The Value of Catalyst Relationships in Church Leadership