Relationship is the Identifier!
I have a precious friend who leads Breath of God, a DOVE Partner Church in Aberdeen, Maryland. I was on a video call with her and a number of other people discussing race and [...]
What Can’t You See
What can’t you see? As a detachment, I sometimes drive tractor and trailer as I find it relaxing, exciting and predominantly, just a lot of fun. There are many things to be aware of [...]
Change! It means things will be different. How well we have experienced that in the last 2 months. One of the dynamics of change, and sometimes the hardest aspect of it, is that I need [...]
Change! With us it has been a consistent commodity in our ongoing development and strategy to reach nations. Many times I hear the phrase, the only thing constant is change! To stay relevant to [...]
I felt the Holy Spirt whisper to my spirit this morning the theme generosity. Normally when we think of someone being generous it is almost always with the connotation or tied to an understanding of [...]
Voice or Echo?
There is a big difference between being a voice and an echo. An echo merely repeats what is already being said. Word for word, same intensity, same focus, same volume, same expectation, same outcome, same.. [...]