

It is Healthy to be Grateful

As we start a new year together, we are reminded of the goodness of God and so grateful to the Lord for His grace extended toward us on a daily basis. Mark Gerson writes in [...]

By |January 9th, 2023|Categories: Ron's Blog|

What is a key quality of an effective church planter?

One of the key qualities of an effective church planter is probably not what you think. It's not theological knowledge, marketing skills, or even the ability to raise funds. While all those things are important, [...]

Planting Churches or Starting Worship Services?

I have heard a well-intentioned church planter say that if there is a great worship team and an above-average preacher, the church will succeed. I think that is a way to start a worship service [...]

Church Planting Focus – The top 3 things to focus on when starting a church

I believe churches should be planted with a team. Lone ranger church planting just isn’t healthy. Here are a few words of advice for core teams. Focus on three things “Your focus needs more focus.” – [...]

When Your Church Gets Stuck in Rut

The thought of making a difference stirs you to take action. The excitement of something unique and fresh drives you to step out in faith and plant a church. The first year of the church [...]

Five Positions Needed When Planting A Community Church

When I say “needed,” I need to qualify that word. If you are planting a house church or micro church, then you may not need these 5 positions. That’s the beauty of “simple church.” This [...]