

Solving the Volunteer Dilemma in the Local Church

We all know that volunteering is a great opportunity for people to get involved in the local church. We also know, it can be a wonderful experience and will go a long way to make [...]

Pioneer or Late Adapter

There probably isn’t anyone, or very few people, in your congregation that doesn’t have a cell phone. I purchased my first one around 1988 for $650. It seemed to be an outrageous price for a [...]

By |December 6th, 2021|Categories: Ron's Blog|

Planting In Turbulent Times

Starting a life-giving church has never been easy. The season we find ourselves has magnified two things: Planting churches in these turbulent times comes with some unique challenges. The world needs Jesus more than ever [...]

The Importance of Strategic Planning

Every church should get a grasp on strategic planning practices. When we implement intentional planning, we set ourselves up to succeed. No matter what we want for our churches in the coming year, communicating our [...]