4 Things that are important in any team
Every generation needs new churches (new wineskins) to connect with the next generations. That is why DOVE International began in 1980. At that time, my wife, LaVerne, and I loved Jesus and spent hours each day loving kids who hung out at our house. After a few years of trying to fit these young believers into [...]
Church planting provides more options for the unchurched As long as there are unsaved people in our communities who are not being reached, there is a need for new churches. New churches provide more options for the unchurched. They are a key to outreach and generally grow better than old ones. It is easier to [...]
Not all churches are supposed to be mega-churches A German church growth researcher, Christian Schwarz, reported the results of his research on church growth. He showed that statistically small churches are 16 times more effective at winning new members than mega-churches. For example, two churches of 200 generally win twice as many people for Jesus [...]
Church planting prevents church splits Could it be that one of the reasons that churches split is because the next generation of leaders is not released and sent out to establish its own churches? Insecure spiritual leaders frustrate developing leaders by not releasing them. What if the new church plant grew to be larger than [...]
Why Should We Plant More Churches? Small Groups multiply so churches should multiply Anything that is healthy and possesses life is created with an ability to reproduce and multiply. Obviously, the examples in nature are endless (Genesis 1:28). In John 17:4, Jesus said He had completed the work that the Father gave Him to do. [...]
Practical Vision Development – Part I Vision. Every advance of the gospel is first a vision in the mind and heart of one person. "Israel's leaders took charge, and the people gladly followed. Praise the LORD!” is stated in Judges 5:2. However if the vision is to be gladly followed, it must be shared [...]
Praying and Worshipping Together Praying together allows us to hear what each other has faith for. It allows each of us to have a picture of each other's relationship with the Lord, spiritual gifts and revelation. At the time of this writing, I will soon fly to be with pastors for the single purpose of doing [...]
Why Plant New Churches Tim Keller, who for many years pastored Redeemer Presbyterian Church in New York once wrote; “The vigorous, continual planting of new congregations is the single most crucial strategy for 1) the numerical growth of the Body of Christ in any city, and 2) the continual corporate renewal and revival of [...]
Questions that I wish I knew to ask. Recently I was asked to speak about church planting. As I sat down to put my thoughts on the computer, I was taken back on my own journey. I remember when well-respected senior leaders on several occasions asked me how they could help me. I remember being bewildered [...]