Learning from the past
And so we are off and running. A new year with new expectations, new visions, new...
And so we are off and running. A new year with new expectations, new visions, new...
When confronted with the question on the limitations of God, all of us would say...
The story is told of one of the Queens of England who had...
Two weeks ago my aunt died. She was 93 years old and loved Jesus. She had lived...
Well, Black Friday is now a memory for another year. Some of you may have been part of the clientele who rose up early on Friday morning to go wait in line to be the first ones in the door at your favorite store or mall. It was the anticipation of being able to purchase [...]
The psalmist tells us in Ps 150 to...
On my way to the office this morning, I was listening to a tape on fulfilling your destiny. Theoretically, we all want to...
A good leader is one who has the ability to listen. A good husband also has that ability mastered. In all my years of helping couples relate to each other better, I have yet to have a wife tell me that she wishes her husband would give her more input. I have had quite a [...]
Do things of importance. In all of your responsibilities, focus on things that are really important and bring results. There are tons of things that we do that at the end of the day, really don’t change the outcome of life, nor add any quality to it. But there are other things that are intrinsic [...]
Being dissatisfied is the first step toward change. Dissatisfaction with the current causes me to look for something new. The new thing, the new look, the new hairstyle, the new job, the new car, on and on. But dissatisfaction alone will not bring about change. It takes one more step. It takes action. Some are [...]