The World or The Word?
Most people are more impacted by the world and circumstances around them than the Word of God in them. And that is one thing that has to change.....
Most people are more impacted by the world and circumstances around them than the Word of God in them. And that is one thing that has to change.....
We had our first of four USA Regional Gatherings this past weekend in Marysville, OH. I received an email late Sat night for automatic check-in on my Sunday flight home, saying that they couldn’t issue my boarding passes ......
Dr. Caroline Leaf writes in her book “The Gift in You” that your gift is thwarted by toxic thoughts that we allow in our mind. She states that every thought is based in either fear or love....
So I’m watching a football game and the Lord speaks to me. We have that kind of relationship where He can speak to me anytime and in the middle of anything.......
I believe it was Jerry Rice, the most famous wide receiver of all time, who said, “Today I will do what others won’t so that tomorrow I can accomplish what others can’t!”
Coming back after two weeks’ vacation can make you feel like you are swimming against the tide. Add to that some life challenges and you begin to feel the real weight of life and the circumstances surrounding it.
If I really want to bring about change in others, I need to be willing to change myself! I find it interesting in life that my expectation is usually..........
Well, the Olympics will soon be upon us. I find it interesting that people will devote years and years of training for a few minute race, dive, jump, pole vault, or other competition........
Giving up is never an option! I read last week in Lee Grady’s “Fire in My Bones” article that George Muller prayed regularly over a list of five men.
Remember the faithfulness of the Lord!! Yesterday I was driving to minister in another county and I drove past a road that flooded my mind with a memory of His tremendous faithfulness.