Who Cares Anyway?

Who cares anyway? I read a report a number of weeks ago in USA Today that said 40,000 people in America take their lives every year. 40,000?.... A 747, in a three class configuration, carries 416 passengers so that is like 96 airplanes going down every year. Many of those 40,000 individuals have been telling [...]

By |2014-12-22T08:24:06-05:00December 22nd, 2014|Ron's Blog|0 Comments

Being Self-aware

Max Depree said "In the end, it is important to remember that we cannot become what we need to be, by remaining what we are." I think many times we are focusing on the wrong things or even the wrong time frame.  We have a tendency to focus on the present and how we are doing [...]

By |2014-12-08T08:30:22-05:00December 8th, 2014|Ron's Blog|0 Comments


I was thinking about all of you this morning and this verse came to mind.  Eph 2:10 For we are God's masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago. (NLT) Man, let that sink in for a minute or two. You [...]

By |2014-11-17T11:06:17-05:00November 17th, 2014|Ron's Blog|0 Comments

Facts Without Acts?

Much of society is on an information binge. The electronic media has bombarded us with emails, texts, tweets, Facebook posts, pictures, blogs, writings, plus a plethora of information for us to consume. The good news is there is information available on just about anything at our fingertips. The bad news is that unless we focus, [...]

By |2014-09-30T08:12:56-04:00September 30th, 2014|Ron's Blog|0 Comments


Inequities. They are all around us. While all of us have opportunities, they vary greatly from individual to individual. The child of the wealthy business owner has many different opportunities than the child of a one who works for the same business. Each of the children has untold opportunities before them, but there are certainly [...]

By |2014-09-22T08:01:58-04:00September 22nd, 2014|Ron's Blog|0 Comments

I Didn’t Ask for This

When we are caught in a situation our tendency is to immediately go to the “I didn’t ask for this” mind set. “This wasn’t my choice.” “I didn’t ask to be here.” Read the book of Ester. I don’t think we can imagine how she must have felt. It is hard to imagine the pressure [...]

By |2014-09-15T12:27:50-04:00September 15th, 2014|Ron's Blog|0 Comments


Ever struggle with the reason for your existence? I mean, in the grand scheme of world events, what does Ron Myer have to do with anything? The only way to know the full significance of something is to know the full, overall, overreaching plan. If you have played any kind of board game, you are [...]

By |2014-09-02T10:23:33-04:00September 2nd, 2014|Ron's Blog|0 Comments


How often do we encounter a challenging situation where we come under duress and say something like, “My faith is really being tested right now.” When you think through that statement, you realize it is much more of a defensive, almost on the ropes kind of mentality. Boy, I sure hope I make it, but [...]

By |2014-08-11T13:32:28-04:00August 11th, 2014|Ron's Blog|0 Comments

Your Fragrance

I was driving the other day and drove through a “zone” where I smelled a skunk for a few hundred feet. Because of what I was doing, sometime  later, I drove through the same “zone”. I was again reminded that a skunk was in the area because he had left his peculiar scent thereby alerting [...]

By |2014-07-28T12:01:55-04:00July 28th, 2014|Ron's Blog|0 Comments

May I Take Your Order

I think many Christians approach Christianity like walking into a restaurant. The water (forgiveness) is provided free of charge. May I have your order sir? Ah, yes, I would like the healing and prosperity plate please. Could I have a healthy marriage and also a side order of the miraculous. Then I would like to [...]

By |2014-07-22T05:46:04-04:00July 22nd, 2014|Ron's Blog|0 Comments